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Nov 28, 2014 11:33 AM

Apr 12, 2020 07:29 PM

Apr 12, 2020 07:29 PM

Post Statistics
DXuu has contributed to 7 posts out of 5677 total posts (0.12%) in 3747 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 most recent posts:

Market Data » can not logon FAST server Apr 12, 2020 @ 07:29 PM (Total replies: 1)

I figured it out. It was my TCP/IP code. The connection got reset after handshake. But my encoding were all good. and 35=A and heartbeat should not be included.

Sorry about all the posts!
Dongming Xuu

FIX Support » Can not logon FAST server Apr 12, 2020 @ 07:29 PM (Total replies: 2)

I figured it out. It was my TCP/IP code. The connection got reset after handshake. But my encoding were all good. and 35=A and heartbeat should not be included.

Sorry about all the post!
Dongming Xuu

FIX Support » Sorry about the reposting Apr 12, 2020 @ 07:10 PM (Total replies: 0)

The server was giving me error messages after I hit the Post button.
Dongming Xuu

Market Data » can not logon FAST server Apr 12, 2020 @ 07:08 PM (Total replies: 1)

I searched and found the few posts that talked about problems logon the FAST server. Some used openfast and some send the bytes themselves. But magically they all resolved the issues without an explicit answer. I tried to send the bytes myself. I was able to get the HELLO handshake, for logon I have these bytes
PMAP: 1100 0000
template ID: 1011 1111 (63)
Type (A): skipped, no bytes sent for 35=A
Time: sent time sth like 20200412080501 (YYYYMMDDHHmmss)
Heartbeat: skipped, no bytes sent for heartbeat (constant 30)
username: sent correctly
Key: from FIX logon, changed the last byte's significant bits to 1

I sent HELLO handshake first, then after received ack, I sent the above logon info. then I received "Template not supported"

If I sent HELLO and Logon together, I only get the HELLO ack. I also tried different combinations with sending "A" and heartbeat, nothing worked.

Did I do sth stupidly wrong here?

Dongming Xuu

FIX Support » Can not logon FAST server Apr 12, 2020 @ 07:07 PM (Total replies: 2)

I searched and found the few posts that talked about problems logon the FAST server. Some used openfast and some send the bytes themselves. But magically they all resolved the issues without an explicit answer. I tried to send the bytes myself. I was able to get the HELLO handshake, for logon I have these bytes
PMAP: 1100 0000
template ID: 1011 1111 (63)
Type (A): skipped, no bytes sent for 35=A
Time: sent time sth like 20200412080501 (YYYYMMDDHHmmss)
Heartbeat: skipped, no bytes sent for heartbeat (constant 30)
username: sent correctly
Key: from FIX logon, changed the last byte's significant bits to 1

I sent HELLO handshake first, then after received ack, I sent the above logon info. then I received "Template not supported"

If I sent HELLO and Logon together, I only get the HELLO ack. I also tried different combinations with sending "A" and heartbeat, nothing worked.

Did I do sth stupidly wrong here?

Dongming Xuu

FIX Support » Can not logon FAST server Apr 12, 2020 @ 07:07 PM (Total replies: 0)

I searched and found the few posts that talked about problems logon the FAST server. Some used openfast and some send the bytes themselves. But magically they all resolved the issues without an explicit answer. I tried to send the bytes myself. I was able to get the HELLO handshake, for logon I have these bytes
PMAP: 1100 0000
template ID: 1011 1111 (63)
Type (A): skipped, no bytes sent for 35=A
Time: sent time sth like 20200412080501 (YYYYMMDDHHmmss)
Heartbeat: skipped, no bytes sent for heartbeat (constant 30)
username: sent correctly
Key: from FIX logon, changed the last byte's significant bits to 1

I sent HELLO handshake first, then after received ack, I sent the above logon info. then I received "Template not supported"

If I sent HELLO and Logon together, I only get the HELLO ack. I also tried different combinations with sending "A" and heartbeat, nothing worked.

Did I do sth stupidly wrong here?

Dongming Xuu

FIX Support » Can not logon FAST server Apr 12, 2020 @ 07:07 PM (Total replies: 0)

I searched and found the few posts that talked about problems logon the FAST server. Some used openfast and some send the bytes themselves. But magically they all resolved the issues without an explicit answer. I tried to send the bytes myself. I was able to get the HELLO handshake, for logon I have these bytes
PMAP: 1100 0000
template ID: 1011 1111 (63)
Type (A): skipped, no bytes sent for 35=A
Time: sent time sth like 20200412080501 (YYYYMMDDHHmmss)
Heartbeat: skipped, no bytes sent for heartbeat (constant 30)
username: sent correctly
Key: from FIX logon, changed the last byte's significant bits to 1

I sent HELLO handshake first, then after received ack, I sent the above logon info. then I received "Template not supported"

If I sent HELLO and Logon together, I only get the HELLO ack. I also tried different combinations with sending "A" and heartbeat, nothing worked.

Did I do sth stupidly wrong here?

Dongming Xuu