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Viewing User Profile for: ZZhaohui


Oct 11, 2017 01:29 PM

Oct 12, 2017 12:00 PM

Oct 12, 2017 12:00 PM


Post Statistics
ZZhaohui has contributed to 2 posts out of 5677 total posts (0.04%) in 2699 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 most recent posts:

FIX Support » Python FIX API Oct 12, 2017 @ 12:00 PM (Total replies: 8)

Thank you Alexy. I asked Gain again and they gave me the sample UUID and it works now.

FIX Support » Python FIX API Oct 12, 2017 @ 01:26 AM (Total replies: 8)

Hi Alexy,

Thank you for the python lib. This is exactly what I'm looking for. I wanted to have a python script that goes in to check my balance, buying power, positions periodically and tell me what adjustment I need to do. And also download option data automatically and save for future reference.

However, I cannot get it to work for me. I got message "This software is not permitted to logon". Do you know what is wrong?

Also can you explain what I should put in the config.ini file for the following:


Thank you!