AAmi1662 has contributed to 4 posts out of 5677 total posts
(0.07%) in 1206 days (0.00 posts per day).
20 most recent posts:
API Support » Connection problem Sep 17, 2021 @ 02:37 PM (Total replies: 1)
Hi, trying to connect to the servers with the code from the documentaion :https://gainfutures.com/GFAPI/
[ gfClient.Threading.Invoke(() => gfClient.Connection.Aggregate.Connect( new GF.Api.Connection.ConnectionContextBuilder() .WithUserName("username") .WithPassword("pass") .WithUUID("9e61a8bc-0a31-4542-ad85-33ebab0e4e86") .WithPort(9200) .WithHost("api.gainfutures.com") .WithForceLogin(true) .Build()));
except from the username and password there's anything else that need to be changed? i tried different ports as well but keep getting connection failed.
Thank you!
API Support » Try to run a sample program from the documentaion get System.TypeLoadException error Sep 17, 2021 @ 02:34 PM (Total replies: 3)
** FIxed by reinstalling everything
API Support » Try to run a sample program from the documentaion get System.TypeLoadException error Sep 17, 2021 @ 05:30 AM (Total replies: 3)
Hi, updated the post with the code.
API Support » Try to run a sample program from the documentaion get System.TypeLoadException error Sep 15, 2021 @ 03:55 PM (Total replies: 3)
Hi, first time using C# and gain api. I'm trying to create a connection to the servers and i get the error:
System.TypeLoadException: 'Method 'TryGetConstructor' in type 'GF.SimpleInjector.InternalConstructorResolutionBehavior' from assembly 'GF.SimpleInjector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b6b45f2252711217' does not have an implementation.'
not sure if it helpful but i got alert as well with yellow triangle saying:
Package 'GFAPI' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8' instead of the project target framework '.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
The code:
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; internal class Program { private static void Main(string[] args) { GF.Api.IGFClient gfClient = GF.Api.Impl.GFApi.CreateClient();
var runner = new GF.Api.Threading.GFClientRunner(gfClient); runner.Start();
gfClient.Connection.Aggregate.LoginCompleted += (client, e) => Console.WriteLine("Connection complete"); gfClient.Connection.Aggregate.LoginFailed += (client, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Connection failed: {e.FailReason}"); gfClient.Connection.Aggregate.Disconnected += (client, e) => Console.WriteLine($"Disconnected: {e.Message}"); gfClient.Logging.ErrorOccurred += (client, e) => Console.WriteLine($"{e.Exception.Message}");
gfClient.Threading.Invoke(() => gfClient.Connection.Aggregate.Connect( new GF.Api.Connection.ConnectionContextBuilder() .WithUserName("user") .WithPassword("pass") .WithUUID("9e61a8bc-0a31-4542-ad85-33ebab0e4e86") .WithPort(9210) .WithHost("api.gainfutures.com") .WithForceLogin(true) .Build()));
var timer = new System.Timers.Timer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).TotalMilliseconds }; timer.Elapsed += (_, __) => { // The timer callback is on a different thread than the GFClientRunner, so we must delegate to the runner thread gfClient.Threading.Invoke(() => { if (!gfClient.Connection.Aggregate.IsConnected) return;
var account = gfClient.Accounts.Get().First(); GF.Api.Balances.IBalance totalBalance = account.TotalBalance;
Console.WriteLine($"Account: {account.Spec}"); Console.WriteLine($"\tNetLiq: {totalBalance.NetLiq:c}"); Console.WriteLine($"\tCash: {totalBalance.Cash:c}"); Console.WriteLine($"\tOpen P/L: {totalBalance.OpenPnL:c}"); Console.WriteLine($"\tTotal P/L: {totalBalance.RealizedPnL + totalBalance.OpenPnL:c}"); Console.WriteLine($"\tInitial Margin: {totalBalance.InitialMargin:c}"); Console.WriteLine($"\tNet Options Value: {totalBalance.LongCallOptionsValue + totalBalance.LongPutOptionsValue + totalBalance.ShortCallOptionsValue + totalBalance.ShortPutOptionsValue:c}"); Console.WriteLine($"Average Positions: {account.AvgPositions.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($"Orders: {gfClient.Orders.Get().Count}, last one: {(gfClient.Orders.Get().Count > 0 ? gfClient.Orders.Get().Last().ToString() : string.Empty)}"); Console.WriteLine(); }); };
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit"); Console.ReadKey();
timer.Stop(); runner.Stop(); } }
How do i solve it? Thank you Edited by AAmi1662 on Sep 17, 2021 05:29 AM