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Viewing User Profile for: TCarter2


Aug 28, 2007 03:15 PM

Aug 29, 2007 09:58 PM

Dec 19, 2007 12:09 PM

Post Statistics
TCarter2 has contributed to 2 posts out of 5677 total posts (0.04%) in 6330 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 most recent posts:

Market Data » Tick Data Aug 29, 2007 @ 09:58 PM (Total replies: 32)

If all I want is every change in bid or ask value with no data throttling, are you sure I would use SubscribeTicks? How do I get bid/ask from tick array? Isn't that just price? Is there a Type which reflects the bid and/or ask?


API Support » how do I get logon? Aug 28, 2007 @ 03:17 PM (Total replies: 1)

How do I get a logon name/PW for the API testing?
I have an ATC demo account but that info would not work.

Also, can I connect with the GUI platform at the same time as API?
