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Nov 25, 2009 04:08 PM

Dec 11, 2009 04:19 PM

Jun 15, 2010 02:00 PM

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VVigen has contributed to 3 posts out of 5677 total posts (0.05%) in 5576 days (0.00 posts per day).

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API Support » SubscriptionType.TickBar vs SubscriptionType.Ticks Dec 11, 2009 @ 04:19 PM (Total replies: 4)

Sorry thats what i meant,

Example i brought was for
Private Sub onNewBar(ByVal SubScription As OEC.API.Subscription, ByVal Bars As OEC.API.Bar())

Bar also has Ticks in oparameters

Vigen Dolbakyan

API Support » SubscriptionType.TickBar vs SubscriptionType.Ticks Dec 10, 2009 @ 12:39 PM (Total replies: 4)

Hi Thank you very much for a quick reponse.

This is what I was expecting , now my real question ?

Can you please confirm that what I think is correct

I want to get 33tick well known chart

1. Call SubsribeBars(startdate, OEC.Data.SubscriptionType.TickBar, 33)
2. Where startdate for example is last 10 minutes
3. I have my handler OnNewTick of OECClient.Global.OnTicksReceived(array of Bar)

I assume that OnNewTick will be triggered with the array of bars, where each bar represents 33tick bar(meaning 33 trades took place ).

But I receive something that doesn’t seem like what I expect

For example when first onTickRecived arrives it has Bars array size =1440 each bar has the same low,high, close, open, and ticks=1

Can this be true or i missunderstanding something

Thanks very much in advance

Vigen Dolbakyan

API Support » SubscriptionType.TickBar vs SubscriptionType.Ticks Dec 09, 2009 @ 02:11 PM (Total replies: 4)


Can you please help me to understand the difference beetween using

SubscriptionType.TickBar vs SubscriptionType.Ticks with SubscribeBars function ?

And what represents BarInterval in each case ?

I have more questions after i get reply on this simple one please:-)


Vigen Dolbakyan