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Feb 25, 2010 08:03 AM

Apr 01, 2010 01:55 PM

Apr 01, 2010 01:55 PM

Post Statistics
MMuhammad80 has contributed to 7 posts out of 5677 total posts (0.12%) in 5484 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 most recent posts:

API Support » OnPriceChanged Event Apr 01, 2010 @ 01:55 PM (Total replies: 1)

Which commands trigger this event.
I found out by trial and error that SendOrder() triggers the event for the corresponding contract.

It would be generally helpfull to have a list:

command - triggered events.

and the reverse list

event - commands

It would be also helfful to have a list of events. One can look in the doc for "On....". But thats all cumbersome.

Muhammad Ali

API Support » Order Rejected Mar 31, 2010 @ 02:31 PM (Total replies: 3)

Problem solved. On sim.openecry.com are 3 different accounts. One has to skip through this list.

Muhammad Ali

API Support » Order Rejected Mar 31, 2010 @ 01:43 PM (Total replies: 3)

+ Last {Rejected Invalid contract for this account type}

Its exactly this reason. We want to trade S&P-500 Emini Futures and Options on these Futures.
What is the correct account-type for this?

Muhammad Ali

API Support » Order Rejected Mar 31, 2010 @ 10:45 AM (Total replies: 3)

I placed for testing purposes on sim.openecry.com an order for ESM0.
The first 2 stages are okay, but the order is not filled. I get the messages below back. Are orders on the simulation-server not filled?
Other flags like e.g. GTC give the same result.

oldOrderState: Unknown
ID: -1
ContractSymbol: ESM0
Type: Market
Flags: None
CurrentState: Sent
Quantity: 1
Price: 0
Price2: 0
TypePriceString: MKT
Timestamp: 31.03.2010 15:35:23

oldOrderID: -1
ID: 44280532
ContractSymbol: ESM0
Type: Market
Flags: None
CurrentState: Sent
Quantity: 1
Price: 0
Price2: 0
TypePriceString: MKT
Timestamp: 31.03.2010 15:35:27

oldOrderState: Sent
ID: 44280532
ContractSymbol: ESM0
Type: Market
Flags: None
CurrentState: Rejected
Quantity: 1
Price: 0
Price2: 0
TypePriceString: MKT
Timestamp: 31.03.2010 15:35:27

Muhammad Ali

API Support » Option-Order with 2 Legs Mar 30, 2010 @ 02:06 PM (Total replies: 2)

Thanks for the quick response. Also for the Option-Chain Repley.

Muhammad Ali

API Support » Option-Order with 2 Legs Mar 30, 2010 @ 01:27 PM (Total replies: 2)

We trade Options with 2 Legs. These legs are not the standard combinations like e.g. Straddle.
Its essential that both legs or none are filled/traded.
Is there a way to specify this condition?

Muhammad Ali

API Support » Option-Chain? Mar 30, 2010 @ 01:55 AM (Total replies: 5)

I want to retrieve (subscribe to) prices for S&P-EMini Options.
E.g. for OESJ0 C1170.
For the underlying future ESM0 one simply calls either SubScribeBars() and gets the message OnBarsReceived() back. Or SubScribeTicks() with OnTicksReceived().

When calling SubScribe() with the contract "OESJ0 C1170" when gets the corresponding message back too, but bars[] or ticks is empty. There are Option-Ticks available. Live-Trade and also eSignal reports current ticks.

I have not found something like an OptionsChain() method.

What is the correct method to retrieve Index-Futures Option-Prices?

Note: The API-documentation has some potential for improvement. Its some sort of reverse engineering to implement the API.

Muhammad Ali