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Jul 03, 2008 11:17 PM

Jul 04, 2008 08:27 AM

Jul 04, 2008 08:27 AM

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RLong97 has contributed to 2 posts out of 5677 total posts (0.04%) in 6019 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 most recent posts:

API Support » API 3.2 problems with RequestContracts Jul 04, 2008 @ 08:27 AM (Total replies: 1)

Think I solved my own problem. After I submitted, I saw the search feature, and found in other posts that there is a delagate event triggered to respond to the call which passes a BaseContract object, which I'm guessing will have the list of contracts filled.

I didn't notice this bit of info in the documentation on the method. However, I believe, problem solved.

Randy Long

API Support » API 3.2 problems with RequestContracts Jul 03, 2008 @ 11:26 PM (Total replies: 1)

I changed my application to accomodate the new way of securing contracts. I have a list of Contract Groups, linked to a list of Base Contracts. Once a Base contract is chosen, the user hits a button which calls RequestContracts with the chosen BaseContract as a parameter.

After RequestContract is run, I cannot find any ContractLists filled. This seems to be different between the Test Server and the Production Server. Can the two servers be made to present the same OECClient object?

Randy Long