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Viewing User Profile for: CZendejas116


Apr 13, 2011 09:32 AM

Apr 08, 2013 04:28 PM

May 05, 2014 09:09 AM

Software Architect

Java, C#, C++, Ruby

Post Statistics
CZendejas116 has contributed to 51 posts out of 5677 total posts (0.90%) in 5073 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 most recent posts:

API Support » RequestBars sometimes works, sometimes does'nt Apr 08, 2013 @ 04:28 PM (Total replies: 11)

will be to send it to you?

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » RequestBars sometimes works, sometimes does'nt Apr 08, 2013 @ 12:11 PM (Total replies: 11)

I'm sure OnBarsReceived is not fired with any bars, as I said before, I just thought that showing OECAPI log was a good idea, but not, I'm sorry.
I have my own logs and also, I use OnBarsReceived event to show info into a windows form, and sometimes shows info from all contracts, and sometimes don't, and only are 12. And of course I update info in windows form asynchronously.

Now, that I know, thanks to you, OnPriceChanged works for my purposes, that's what I will use, but anyway, why RequestBars/OnBarsReceived doesn't work as expected?


Claudia Zendejas

API Support » RequestBars sometimes works, sometimes does'nt Apr 08, 2013 @ 10:53 AM (Total replies: 11)

Ok, I just think this was a good idea to show how not all OnBarsReceived events are fired. Anyway, I can see that not all the events are fired because I show lastPrice and other things just inside OnBarsReceived event, and not all of them are shown. There are only 12 contracts, I'm sure that not everyone fired the event.
The weird thing is, that sometimes all events are fired, so I have info from all 12 contracts, but sometimes doesn't, and I have info from some contracts (which and how varied)

On the other hand I have a question:
OnPriceChanged works, I can read CurrentPrice field, but, if market is closed, this info from CurrentPrice is updated anyway? I mean, does it have the last settlement price? or the last price?

Thanks in advance

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » RequestBars sometimes works, sometimes does'nt Apr 04, 2013 @ 04:53 PM (Total replies: 11)


OnPriceChanged works, I can read CurrentPrice field, but, if market is closed, this info from CurrentPrice is updated anyway? I mean, does it have the last settlement price? or the last price?

On the other hand, all RequestBars for all contracts don't fire all OnBarsReceived, for example in this execution:

I make RequestBars for all CC-M futures:

And just some of them fired OnBarsReceived. OEC log is:

15:39:54.018 Dbg System #11 Logger level: Core (Data feed: every 1 per 00:01:00)
15:39:54.366 Dbg Reader Order Login to OEC Server
15:39:54.366 Dbg Reader Price Login to OEC Server
15:39:55.350 Dbg System #11 AAlonso : Loading
15:39:56.940 Dbg System #11 AAlonso : Loaded, API: 94.0054ms, Client: 1496.0855ms
15:39:57.425 Dbg System #11 13 CC-MK3: 68 Bars <Bars Items=[68] />
15:39:57.520 Dbg System #11 21 CC-MN4: 33 Bars <Bars Items=[33] />
15:39:57.526 Dbg System #11 19 CC-MH4: 67 Bars <Bars Items=[67] />
15:39:57.636 Dbg System #11 18 CC-MZ3: 68 Bars <Bars Items=[68] />
15:39:57.646 Dbg System #11 22 CC-MU4: 16 Bars <Bars Items=[16] />
15:39:57.655 Dbg System #11 17 CC-MU3: 68 Bars <Bars Items=[68] />
15:39:57.661 Dbg System #11 20 CC-MK4: 51 Bars <Bars Items=[51] />
15:39:57.794 Dbg System #11 15 CC-MN3: 68 Bars <Bars Items=[68] />

I ran this with:
username: AAlonso
host: prod.openecry.com

Thanks in advance.

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » RequestBars sometimes works, sometimes does'nt Apr 04, 2013 @ 01:37 PM (Total replies: 11)


I manage that limit of 16 requests, just like RuslanK suggested, so I don't have that message any more, and sometimes I get all the bars, and there's no problem.
Actually CC-M future contracts are only 12, so I never reach that limit of 16. But I dont get bars for all that contracts all the time.
Previously I was just subscribing and waiting for OnPriceTick event, but, some contracts doesn't fire that event, just because they have no ticks in that particular moment when I execute my program, so, CurrentPrice never get updated and remains as null. I have observed, that the CurrentPrice is not null anymore until the first OnPriceTicks event is fired. That's why I change my logic and I use OnBarsReceived, but, sometimes I get bars for all that 12 contracts, but sometime I don't.

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » RequestBars sometimes works, sometimes does'nt Apr 04, 2013 @ 11:26 AM (Total replies: 11)


I'm trying to obtain the Settlement price for some contracts, this contracts belongs to the same base symbol (CC-M, the futures). In order to do this I'm requesting the bars, just because this request fills the CurrentPrice field in Contract object (well, first I subscribe the contracts), and into this field (which its type is Price) I can get the settlement price.
The problem is I don't always get all the bars, I mean, not all the executions of my program run OnBarsReceived method, sometimes yes, sometimes not. When I don't get all the executions of OnBarsReceived, varies which contracts have their bars, not always fail same contracts.
What am I missing?
Is there another way to obtain the CurrentPrice?

Thanks in advance

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » Your loading limit of 16 has been reached Apr 01, 2013 @ 08:34 PM (Total replies: 1)


What does this message mean?

"Your loading limit of 16 has been reached"

Thanks in advance

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » Too many request, one try to subscription Jul 16, 2012 @ 04:48 PM (Total replies: 3)


Is there a way to modifiy this limit?


Claudia Zendejas

API Support » Too many request, one try to subscription Jul 16, 2012 @ 10:45 AM (Total replies: 3)


When I try to subscribe to only one contract, I get "Too many requests" message, (no previous subscriptions at all!).
This into api environment, and with my username (CZendejas116)

Thanks in advance.

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » Contracts and Subscriptions Jul 11, 2012 @ 01:59 PM (Total replies: 6)

OK, thanks. I'll be on the lookout.

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » Contracts and Subscriptions Jul 11, 2012 @ 01:54 PM (Total replies: 6)


Now it's working, oecClient.BaseContracts it is filled, and my code can continue working.
But, just after OECClient_OnLoginComplete method executes, oecClient.Contracts has 3 elements (contracts: RLM-MU2, RLM-MZ2, RLM-MH3). Why is that? I did not ask for any contracts yet.

oecClient.Subscriptions is empty, as expected.

Thanks in advance

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » Contracts and Subscriptions Jul 11, 2012 @ 01:03 PM (Total replies: 6)


I was using username "AAlonso", but yesterday I couldn't using it anymore, because OEC was asking me for a UUID, then I received an email with a valid UUID but for "api.openecry.com" environment, It did work fine, the thing is I cannot connect to sim or prod environments until I have valid UUIDs.

I was trying to test my app with my username CZendejas116 into api.openecry.com, but oecClient.BaseContracts list is empty, so now I can't do no more that just perform login.

Why oecClient.BaseContracts list is empty with a connection to api environment?

Thanks in advance

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » Contracts and Subscriptions Jul 10, 2012 @ 04:40 PM (Total replies: 6)


When I login into sim environment, I already have some contracts and some subscriptions, even If I don't ask for them.

My code is as follows:

oecClient = new OECClient();
oecClient.OnLoginComplete += new OnLoginCompleteEvent(OECClient_OnLoginComplete);
oecClient.Connect(domain, 9200, user, pws, false);

Into OECClient_OnLoginComplete method, at first line I can see that:
oecClient.Contracts property has 11 contracts, I didn't ask for them previously, with oecClient.RequestContracts(bc) method.
This contracts are: CN2, CZ2, DAZ3, ESU2, ODAZ3 P16, OZCZ2 C0.8, RLM-MU2, RLM-MZ2, RLM-MH3, ZCN2, ZCZ2
I'm not interested in those contracts.
Why does my OECClient object already have those contracts into its Contracts list property?

Also, in same line, (first one into OECClient_OnLoginComplete method), the oecClient.Subscriptions property already have one suscription, to ESU2 contract.
Why does my OECClient object already have that subscription?
I'm not interested in that contract at all.
If I try to unsuscribe from ESU2 contract, I just cannot, I have no exceptions, but into oecClient.Subscriptions list there is still one suscription (to ESU2 contract). I didn't suscribe to that contract at any time, not a single occasion.

Is there a way in wich I can get a OECClient object completly clean? with no contracts, no suscriptions preloaded?

Thanks in advance

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » SoftwareNotPermitted Jul 10, 2012 @ 09:58 AM (Total replies: 0)


I'm Trying to connect to OEC server in production enviroment and I'm getting this message: "SoftwareNotPermitted"
If I connect to sim.openecry.com I can do it, but I cannot to prod.openecry.com
I also tried using "OEC API Advanced Example", but I'm getting same message
Do I have to use de UUID already?
How I can I get that UUID?
Why in "sim" it's OK to connect?

Thanks in advance

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » Rice options Jun 28, 2012 @ 10:25 AM (Total replies: 1)


I'm consulting last price for Rice futures and Rice options, but I get no information about Rice options. If I connect to sim I can see all the data, but if I connect to prod, I cannot see anything about Rice options. A couple months ago I could see Rice options data, but not today.
If I try with other contracts (wheat, corn, soy, etc) I can see options last prices normally, and as mentioned before, if I connect to sim I can see the info for Rice.

Why I cannot see Rice options into prod enviroment?

I'm using my API implementation and also OEC Trader app.

Thanks in advance.

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » Price.Delta Jun 20, 2012 @ 06:35 PM (Total replies: 1)


I'm consulting some prices, and I wanted to check the Delta value, but I always get a zero in Price.Delta property. I'm suscribing the contract and then into OnPriceTick and OnPriceChanged events I'm consulting the property Price.Delta

A few months ago I was getting this value, buy today I'm not.

I also tried in OEC Trader app into "Options Chains" and checking "Greeks" checkbox, and the app show me no greeks at all!

All this tests with production enviroment (connecting to prod.openecry.com).

What's going on? What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » OnLoginComplete not fired Jun 20, 2012 @ 06:33 PM (Total replies: 6)


My app works just fine and you always were right. Someone else changed the code and I didn't know about it, and that weird changes was causing all my problems, API works correctly.

My apologizes

Claudia Zendejas

API Support » OnLoginComplete not fired Jun 05, 2012 @ 04:20 PM (Total replies: 6)


I re-downloaded API (same URL) and now API has modification date 06-05-2012.
I tried same code and I have same behaviour :(

API log:

14:58:50.925 Dbg System #10 Logger level: Core (Data feed: every 1 per 00:01:00)
14:59:00.187 Dbg System #10 Logger level: Core (Data feed: every 1 per 00:01:00)
14:59:08.704 Dbg Reader Order Login to OEC Server
14:59:08.704 Dbg Reader Price Login to OEC Server
14:59:09.625 Dbg System #10 AAlonso : Loading
14:59:13.608 Dbg System #10 AAlonso : Loaded, API: 86.0049ms, Client: 3897.2229ms
15:03:16.763 Dbg System #6 MainStream disconnected: System.Exception: app request
15:03:16.771 Dbg System #6 PriceStream disconnected: System.Exception: app request
15:03:16.800 Dbg System #6 Logger level: Core (Data feed: every 1 per 00:01:00)
15:03:24.626 Dbg Reader Price Login to OEC Server
15:03:24.658 Dbg Reader Order Login to OEC Server

Any ideas?


Claudia Zendejas

API Support » OnLoginComplete not fired Jun 05, 2012 @ 12:30 PM (Total replies: 6)


I was using a version with modification date 10-21-2010 and now I downloaded the lasted version (I hope) from here (option "API COM (No Samples)"):
this one has modification date 10-14-2011. Both of them indicates that version is

I tried same code with new version of API and I'm getting same behaviour. API log is:

11:03:28.461 Dbg Reader Price Login to OEC Server
11:03:28.461 Dbg Reader Order Login to OEC Server
11:03:28.955 Dbg System #8 AAlonso : Loading
11:03:33.319 Dbg System #8 AAlonso : Loaded, API: 77.0044ms, Client: 4287.2452ms
11:07:35.984 Dbg System #10 MainStream disconnected: System.Exception: app request
11:07:35.992 Dbg System #10 PriceStream disconnected: System.Exception: app request
11:07:38.477 Dbg Reader Order Login to OEC Server
11:07:38.480 Dbg Reader Price Login to OEC Server

I did my test at time indicated in log. I'm working in central time zone.


Claudia Zendejas

API Support » OnLoginComplete not fired Jun 05, 2012 @ 09:22 AM (Total replies: 6)


Sometimes, when I do OECClient.Connect(domain, port, user, pws, false), the event OECClient.OnLoginComplete() doesn't fire.
I do (in summary):

oecClient.Connect(domain, port, user, pws, false);
oecClient.Disconnect(); or OECClient_OnDisconnected(bool Unexpected) is fired //tried with both cases
oecClient.Connect(domain, port, user, pws, false);

And I get this in log (I turned on API log: OEC.Log.Start();):

07:47:09.843 Dbg Reader Order Login to OEC Server
0:47:09.849 Dbg Reader Price PLogin to OEC Server
06:47:10.341 Dbg System #8 AAlonso : Loading
06:47:14.307 Dbg System #8 AAlonso : Loaded, API: 69.0039ms, Client: 3897.2229ms
08:51:16.845 Dbg System #10 MainStream disconnected: System.Exception: app request
08:51:16.848 Dbg System #10 PriceStream disconnected: System.Exception: app request
08:51:22.607 Dbg Reader Price PLogin to OEC Server
08:51:22.607 Dbg Reader Order Login to OEC Server

Why the event OnLoginComplete() doesn't fire again?

Thanks in advance.

Claudia Zendejas