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Viewing User Profile for: ASykes69


Aug 25, 2008 08:46 AM

May 21, 2024 02:09 PM

May 21, 2024 02:09 PM

Post Statistics
ASykes69 has contributed to 13 posts out of 5677 total posts (0.23%) in 6033 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 most recent posts:

API Support » SendOSOOrders quanity ptoblem May 21, 2024 @ 02:09 PM (Total replies: 1)

TimeStamp Trader Account Order ID Description Filled State State Comments
05/20/24 03:29:21 ASykes58 DEMO065927 291178206 Sell 7 GCLN24 LMT 79.64 EO=79.64=BE=79.64=1 7/7@79.65 Completed
05/20/24 03:29:21 ASykes58 DEMO065927 291178207 Buy 7 GCLN24 LMT 79.56 T=79.56=BE=82.14=0 7/7@79.56857142 85714 Completed
05/20/24 03:29:21 ASykes58 DEMO065927 291178208 Buy 1 GCLN24 STP 82.14 S=82.14=BE=82.14=0 0/1@0 Cancelled

05/20/24 08:43:00 ASykes58 DEMO065927 291182327 Sell 7 GCLN24 LMT 79.35 EO=79.35=BE=79.35=1 7/7@79.35 Completed
05/20/24 08:43:00 ASykes58 DEMO065927 291182328 Buy 7 GCLN24 LMT 79.27 T=79.27=BE=81.85=0 7/7@79.27 Completed
05/20/24 08:43:00 ASykes58 DEMO065927 291182329 Buy 6 GCLN24 STP 81.85 S=81.85=BE=81.85=0 0/6@0 Cancelled

05/20/24 13:24:40 ASykes58 DEMO065927 291198546 Sell 7 GCLN24 LMT 79.27 EO=79.27=BE=79.27=1 7/7@79.27 Completed
05/20/24 13:24:40 ASykes58 DEMO065927 291198547 Buy 7 GCLN24 LMT 79.19 T=79.19=BE=81.77=0 7/7@79.19 Completed
05/20/24 13:24:40 ASykes58 DEMO065927 291198548 Buy 5 GCLN24 STP 81.77 S=81.77=BE=81.77=0 0/5@0 Cancelled

***** In all cases an OSO order method was used to send to orders to sim.gainfutures.com quanity on the order was 7 contracts
***** the stop loss order ended up not being the 7 contracts, not sure why?

API Support » Unable to find contract(s) Jun 08, 2023 @ 09:32 AM (Total replies: 0)

I used this example code that the API documentation provides, and the contract always returns null.

GF.Api.Contracts.IContract Contract = client.Contracts.Base.Get("ES")?.Contracts.First();
if (Contract == null)

API Support » Possible reason for socket-error 0 May 10, 2023 @ 03:49 AM (Total replies: 1)

If running prod, sim and API on the same server (sane IP address) would that cause the zero socket layer error?
All three applications are using the same UUID as well
• prod.gainfutures.com
• sim.gainfutures.com
• api.gainfutures.com

API Support » Socket errors May 04, 2023 @ 12:10 PM (Total replies: 9)

If running prod, sim and API on the same server would that cause the zero socket layer error?
All three applications are using the same UUID as well

• prod.gainfutures.com
• sim.gainfutures.com
• api.gainfutures.com

API Support » Socket errors Mar 20, 2023 @ 09:08 PM (Total replies: 9)

I'm still having 8 to 10 socket errors" causing disconnections. daily. Did you find out what was causing your problem?

API Support » Socket errors Mar 20, 2023 @ 09:07 PM (Total replies: 9)

I'm still having 8 to 10 socket errors" causing disconnections. daily. Did you find out what was causing your problem?

API Support » Cancel of Working Orders Mar 16, 2010 @ 11:01 AM (Total replies: 2)

Yes, we had to re-register the APICOM.tlb file in our application...Thanks

API Support » Cancel of Working Orders Mar 16, 2010 @ 09:46 AM (Total replies: 2)

Until yesterday we were able to Cancel a Working order, and to send a market order to exit a position using the API.

Nothing happens when we try to Cancel the order, and when issuing a market order, we see that it is Sent, but it does not Complete.

NLlc is the User name, and the Account is: API000744.

You help on this urgent matter is greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,


API Support » Trailing Stop Oct 30, 2008 @ 08:21 AM (Total replies: 1)

I'm having trouble creating a Trailing Stop Loss Order using the API. If I want to create a 50 cent Crude Oil (GCLZ8) Trailing Stop, what should I put in the following fields? (in this example the Market is at 67.00/bbl:

Price, Price2 (in the Order), Reference Price and Delta (in SetTSData).

Thanks for your help.

Market Data » Symbol List with Months available Aug 25, 2008 @ 10:09 AM (Total replies: 5)

Thank you.

How do we get a second or sub-account setup on the API database for test purposes....Our uer name is NLlc and API1000380 is the account we have now

Market Data » Symbol List with Months available Aug 25, 2008 @ 08:49 AM (Total replies: 5)

We're logging in to the api.openecry.com database, and trying to subscribe
to GCLV8, but the system cannot find the contract, nor the base contract.
It appears to only be able to find contracts with 4 characters in the name.

Can you please let me know whether or not we should be finding this

Many Thanks,

The code that I'm using is shown below:

Public Sub SubscribeAll(oecApi As OECAPICOM.IOECClient)
Set api = oecApi
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To UBound(aryCommodities())
Dim Name As String
Name = aryCommodities(i - 1).Contract
Dim Contract As OECAPICOM.IContract
Set Contract = api.Contracts.Item(Name)
If Contract Is Nothing Then
Set Contract = Glob.FindNearest(Name)
If Not (Contract Is Nothing) Then
'MsgBox Contract.symbol
ElseIf Len(Name) > 3 Then
Name = Left(Name, Len(Name) - 2)
Dim bc As OECAPICOM.IBaseContract
Set bc = api.BaseContracts.FindBySymbol(Name)
If Not (bc Is Nothing) Then
api.RequestContracts bc
End If
End If
End If

If Not (Contract Is Nothing) Then
api.Subscribe Contract
Set SubscribedContracts(i) = Contract
Set SubscribedContracts(i) = Nothing
End If


End Sub