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OEC API > API Support > Custom Compound Option Order in OECAPI
Author Topic: Custom Compound Option Order in OECAPI
(2 messages, Page 1 of 1)
Moderators: VPfau
Posts: 205
Joined: Feb 11, 2020

Posted: Jan 05, 2022 @ 03:33 PM             Msg. 1 of 2
I am looking for a little bit of guidance on how to place a custom compound option order inside of the OECAPI.

I see that with the Gain api, there is WithCustomCompound function, but I'm not seeing anything similar to that inside of the OECAPI.

Posts: 164

Posted: Feb 03, 2022 @ 07:27 AM             Msg. 2 of 2

OECAPI is obsolete and going to be decommissioned soon. Please use GFAPI
Vitaliy Pfau