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OEC API > Market Data > Pagination of symbols - ByCriteria
Author Topic: Pagination of symbols - ByCriteria
(3 messages, Page 1 of 1)
Moderators: VPfau
Posts: 9
Joined: Jan 24, 2022

Posted: Jul 25, 2022 @ 04:54 PM             Msg. 1 of 3
hi, we want to get the list of all futures symbols, we already make the request but we have the maximum limit of 50 results.
Could you help me with indications or examples of how to paginate to obtain them all?

I attach the code fragment of the request and the list obtained
Thanks for advanced

List listaTipo = new List();
IReadOnlyList listaOnlyRead = listaTipo;

var _esRequestID = client.Contracts.Lookup.ByCriteria(
new SymbolLookupRequestBuilder()
.WithSymbol("", TextSearchMode.AnyInclusion)
.WithExpression(new ContractKindsCriterion(GetSelectedContractKinds().ToList().AsReadOnly())).Build());

private static void GFClient_OnSymbolLookupReceived(IGFClient client, SymbolLookupEventArgs e)
foreach (var contract in e.Contracts)
Console.WriteLine("received:" + contract.Symbol);

Posts: 164

Posted: Jul 26, 2022 @ 08:51 AM             Msg. 2 of 3

Please see similar topic: https://apisupport.gainfutures.com/Topic/Index/1453
There is a code snipped with example how you can organize a paginated requests:

Also see these functions of ContractLoadRequestBuilder: WithSkipCount, WithResultCount
Vitaliy Pfau
Posts: 9
Joined: Jan 24, 2022

Posted: Aug 02, 2022 @ 11:42 AM             Msg. 3 of 3
Thanks a lot