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Viewing User Profile for: RuslanK


Jun 02, 2010 10:29 AM

Apr 02, 2013 09:04 AM

Apr 02, 2013 11:14 AM


Software Developer

Post Statistics
RuslanK has contributed to 69 posts out of 5677 total posts (1.22%) in 5387 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 most recent posts:

API Support » Your loading limit of 16 has been reached Apr 02, 2013 @ 09:04 AM (Total replies: 1)


This means that your limit of "Request..." calls has been reached.
This is a separate server-side counter which counts only calls like RequestBars() and RequestTicks() and doesn't count any "Subscribe" methods - they are being counted separately.

When you see this message, this means you will not get any result for the last "Request.." method called. To avoid this try to do some queueing when requesting data.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Server doesn't reply to symbol lookups Mar 27, 2013 @ 04:20 PM (Total replies: 3)

Could you please clarify something about requests:

1. What happens to other requests after 7th one? Do you get response for them?
2. Do you get an empty response for 7th one or you don't get any response at all?

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » can't get GCLK3 and GNGJ3 through API Mar 27, 2013 @ 10:51 AM (Total replies: 6)

Contracts in result set are sorted alphabetically.

So, "F" and "G" months from future years go before current year "K".

Edited by RuslanK on Mar 27, 2013 at 11:24:42

API Support » can't get GCLK3 and GNGJ3 through API Mar 27, 2013 @ 09:23 AM (Total replies: 6)

Please try to change DesiredResultCount to something more than default 10.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » can't get GCLK3 and GNGJ3 through API Mar 25, 2013 @ 09:42 AM (Total replies: 6)


We just checked this and everything seems to be working fine.

Could you please check again and confirm that this is still an issue?

Also, please provide your username and time frame when requests were performed.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Change Order not fulfilled Feb 04, 2013 @ 11:55 AM (Total replies: 3)

As of command rejection - you should check command state on every CommandUpdated event.
If Command.State == Data.CommandState.Failed that means command was rejected and the reason was that provided in Command.ResultComments field.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Change Order not fulfilled Feb 04, 2013 @ 11:51 AM (Total replies: 3)

Hello John

Our records indicate that your modification order (for original order #202631517) has been placed at 02/04/13 10:33:55.697 and a price at the moment was around 135.54 - 135.55 which is obviously lower than price you used in modification request.

That's why it was rejected with message "Invalid trigger price".

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

Order Execution » DDE - can I use OpenECryAddin.dll (Excel DDE addin) in VB6 app? Jan 17, 2013 @ 01:54 PM (Total replies: 2)

Also I would suggest to use Application functions to work with DDE directly.

Here is a useful link to start:

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

Order Execution » DDE - can I use OpenECryAddin.dll (Excel DDE addin) in VB6 app? Jan 17, 2013 @ 11:47 AM (Total replies: 2)

Hello Garrett

Have you tried to pass a Range object instead of Control in the code below?

txtDDE.Text = OEC.Send("GMarshall256", Side, Quantity, Symbol, OrderType, Price, Price2, "None", cmbAccount.Text, "", True, c)

This should work. That range (cell) will have an order ID once order execution is started.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Empty packet after I trying method OECClient.RequestTick() Jan 11, 2013 @ 08:29 AM (Total replies: 1)


Could you please specify your username in Demo environment and also a contract you tried to request data for?

Thank you.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Options for 6EH3 not given in OEC Trader Demo, false in contract.HasOptions Dec 14, 2012 @ 10:07 AM (Total replies: 1)

Thank you for letting us know.

We're looking into this.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

Optimization » OEC API DOM events less frequent than OEC Trader software Sep 03, 2012 @ 09:35 AM (Total replies: 3)

It's pretty simple.
You need to use Subscribe method to subscribe

and then handle OnPriceChanged event

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

Optimization » OEC API DOM events less frequent than OEC Trader software Aug 30, 2012 @ 08:29 AM (Total replies: 3)


If your application connects to the same environment (api.openecry.com) as OEC Trader does then frequency should be the same.
Otherwise it might be different.
Also, please take into consideration that DOM window in OEC Trader also subscribes for contract's quote, so user sees updates of DOM and quote.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Bars UpTicks DownTicks, discrepency. Aug 28, 2012 @ 12:09 PM (Total replies: 7)

I think you may not understand it right. It seems like you think that price can move only by one tick size per movement.

Let me explain this:

Tick is just information about one single trade characterized by traded volume and price.
So, a difference between two consecutive trades can be more than 1 tick size.

You cannot assume that if price open at 100 and you have 500 up and 499 down then the final price will be 101.
It cannot be calculated that way.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Bars UpTicks DownTicks, discrepency. Aug 28, 2012 @ 10:25 AM (Total replies: 7)


The values of UpTicks and DownTicks are being calculated by following rules:
- tick considered as "up" - if tick is higher than previous OR tick is equal to previous and previous one was considered as "up" tick;
- tick considered as "down" - if tick is lower than previous OR tick is equal to previous and previous one was considered as "down" tick;

Simple rule which always work:
Ticks = UpTicks + DownTicks
The same is true for up/down volumes as well.

If you want to accomplish some specific counting of up/down ticks you need to request raw tick data and work with it.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Contract.StartTime dose gives you the time span from now? Aug 27, 2012 @ 05:20 PM (Total replies: 1)


This "extra day" appears in StartTime due to conversion of the initial UTC value to your local time zone, which calculates by simple adding of UTC offset.

Please disregard it and do not rely on this value.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Data request from OEC Jul 23, 2012 @ 02:04 PM (Total replies: 6)

Seems like method was not marked to be visible in editor and object browser.

Please re-download API from the same location - this should be fixed now.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Data request from OEC Jul 23, 2012 @ 08:04 AM (Total replies: 6)


This version of SubscribeBars method allows to load exact amount of bars:

public Subscription SubscribeBars(
Contract contract,
Int32 Amount, //Here is the parameter your developer looking for
SubscriptionType Type,
Int32 Interval,
Boolean IgnoreSessionBoundaries

This and all other methods always can be found in our online API documentation available at http://www.openecry.com/api/api/index.html

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » Not able to get OHLC data for 1 minute through API Jun 18, 2012 @ 05:08 PM (Total replies: 5)


The reason why you keep getting the same bar numerous times - event is being fired for every (or almost every) update of current bar.
So, subscribing to 5-minute bars doesn't mean that you will get an update once in five minutes - in fact you will get updates "almost" for every tick.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer

API Support » OnLoginComplete not fired Jun 06, 2012 @ 01:41 PM (Total replies: 6)

I will try to re-produce this behaviour in our test sample and will let you know about results.

Ruslan Kartokhin
Software Developer