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Viewing User Profile for: JPaganini258


Oct 28, 2011 12:43 PM

Feb 17, 2012 06:42 AM

Feb 17, 2012 06:42 AM

Post Statistics
JPaganini258 has contributed to 16 posts out of 5677 total posts (0.28%) in 4874 days (0.00 posts per day).

20 most recent posts:

API Support » Software Error Feb 17, 2012 @ 06:42 AM (Total replies: 2)

I'm trying to figure out what can be Software Error.

Running the Advanced Example, it's showing a "Software Error". I added the stackTrace, but what it means?

Jônatas Paganini

API Support » Order.Start and Order.End Datetime feature Feb 15, 2012 @ 09:05 AM (Total replies: 1)

Hi masters,
I'm trying to send a order to a specific datetime with a specific expiration. Is the Start and End fields to put these but it cancels my order some seconds after it was in a "working" status.

I really want to know what's the best approach to work with orders in a specific time. I tried to change it to a thread, using Timer/TimerCallback class, but it throws a exceptions about lvOrders can't send orders through another threads....

So.... How can I do that?

My order ids is: #202233357 #202233360

I'm sending these orders as OCO orders.


Jônatas Paganini

API Support » OCO Orders Feb 13, 2012 @ 07:08 PM (Total replies: 3)

22:06:35.223 : State of Order #202232746 (Sell 2 6SH2 LMT 762.6) changed from Sent to Rejected
22:06:35.215 : State of Order #202232745 (Sell 2 6SH2 STP 1109.1) changed from Sent to Rejected

Jônatas Paganini

API Support » OCO Orders Feb 13, 2012 @ 12:55 PM (Total replies: 3)

Hi, I'm trying to submit a stoploss/take profit orders using oco orders,after my limit order was confirmed.

But the order was rejected - sending "invalid combination prices" error.

I really doesn't understand why?

I'm confirmed in a buy at 6sh2 -> trying to send

stop loss:
sell limit at current price less some points

take profit
sell limit at current price plus some points

I'm trying to send two drafts using OCO method.

why the error?


Jônatas Paganini

API Support » Account expired Jan 23, 2012 @ 07:28 AM (Total replies: 1)

I really don't know if it's the best place to announce again that my account is expired.

Please can you extend it for me?


Jônatas Paganini

API Support » FIX Execution Report notification Dec 16, 2011 @ 12:58 PM (Total replies: 5)

Please take a look at our details:

15 Dec 2011 20:35:59,906 INFO [SocketConnectorIoProcessor-0.0] quickfixj.msg.incoming (AbstractIoHandler.java:109) - FIX.4.4:RPaganini2TM->OEC: 8=FIX.4.4 9=234 35=8 34=3 49=OEC 52=20111215-22:36:00 56=RPaganini2TM 1=API001449 6=0.0 11=OECFIX:201953295 14=0 17=OECFIX:634592376206927306:56 37=201952781 38=1 39=4 41=138004 54=1 55=6S 60=20111215-22:36:00 150=4 151=1 200=201112 325=Y 461=FXXXXS 10=035

The message type contains an invalid tag 325. I saw it on the http://www.openecry.com/includes/pdf/FIX.pdf and it doesn't have these tag on Execution Report.

Jônatas Paganini

API Support » FIX Execution Report notification Dec 16, 2011 @ 12:36 PM (Total replies: 5)

Thanks for answer Victor. We're analyzing the problem but we can't find the tag 325 on the FIX4.4 over the MsgType= Execution Report (8).

I saw that it was specified on the Position Report (MsgType=AP) and as you told, we're receiving an Execution Report instead.

Is this the standard way to send the position report as Execution Report, or we have to add it's tags on Execution Report part of the FIX dictionary?


Jônatas Paganini

API Support » account expired Nov 30, 2011 @ 06:04 AM (Total replies: 1)

can you update my account validation date? because it's expired!


Jônatas Paganini

API Support » auto reconnect option Nov 29, 2011 @ 08:13 AM (Total replies: 8)

My application doesn't trying to disconnect anytime.

Jônatas Paganini

API Support » auto reconnect option Nov 29, 2011 @ 08:02 AM (Total replies: 8)

I'm looking on my code and the error is yours. I really don't know why, but, after onLoginComplete, I send oecClient.symbolLookup("6SZ1") and doesn't start sending ticks.

I think my command was ignored because the market is closed or something like that. Can you verify it for me?

How can I fix these? I really want to send my symbol look up one time.


Jônatas Paganini

API Support » auto reconnect option Nov 29, 2011 @ 07:48 AM (Total replies: 8)

Hi, in order to get my symbol watches keeping watching after reconnect, what I need to do?

I'm connecting and watching a symbol. The problem is that after the market close, it auto-disconnect, and connect again when the server came back.

If there's a parameter auto-connect, last parameter on OECClient login method, why it doesn't keep the current API session? I really wait these behaviour. What I'm doing wrong?

For a while, I'll re-subscribe all symbol watches onLoginComplete method. But, these behaviour is right?

Jônatas Paganini

FIX Support » OCO and OSO orders via FIX Nov 09, 2011 @ 08:17 AM (Total replies: 2)

No way?

Jônatas Paganini

Order Execution » OCO and OSO orders via OEC API Nov 08, 2011 @ 11:57 AM (Total replies: 1)

How can I send OCO and OSO orders via OEC api?

Jônatas Paganini

FIX Support » OCO and OSO orders via FIX Nov 08, 2011 @ 11:55 AM (Total replies: 2)

Is it possible to send via FIX?

Jônatas Paganini

API Support » account locked Nov 07, 2011 @ 01:49 PM (Total replies: 0)

my account was locked.

can you unlock it for me?

Jônatas Paganini

API Support » OECApi.Global.Contracts are empty Oct 31, 2011 @ 11:57 AM (Total replies: 1)

Hi, I'm starting my new account but all contracts is empty over OEClient.Global.Contracts;

In my case, I didn't send the documents signed yet, I'm trying to start a new project, but I'm using the RPaganini2 account for now. Where the documents was sent correctly. Can you verify unlock my account? I'm trying to test a independently strategy and I need to test two signals at the same time.

Jônatas Paganini