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Viewing User Profile for: TLau471



Feb 21, 2023 08:24 AM

Mar 16, 2023 08:34 AM

Post Statistics
TLau471 has contributed to 70 posts out of 5645 total posts

20 most recent posts:

API Support » DEMO server is slow Feb 21, 2023 @ 08:24 AM (Total replies: 3)

Any idea? The LIVE also seems to have slowed down dramatically...

API Support » DEMO server is slow Feb 16, 2023 @ 04:01 AM (Total replies: 3)

By DEMO, I meant the SIM server

API Support » DEMO server is slow Feb 15, 2023 @ 10:41 PM (Total replies: 3)

It takes much much longer to request for tick data from the DEMO server, any issues?

FIX Support » FAST Logon SendingTime encoding Sep 25, 2022 @ 11:24 PM (Total replies: 2)

I enabled packet sniffing and sent this foxscript

LOADTICKS ES 202212 FROM [20220921-22:00:00] TO [20220922-21:00:00]
: MarketDataRequest -> {59, V, ES202212_2_2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 20220921220000, 20220922210000, [ [MDEntries -> {0, }] [MDEntries -> {1, }] [MDEntries -> {2, }] ], [ [Instruments -> {ES, 202212, , , FXXXXS, }] ], }

However, these are the actual values sent down the wire:

20220921220001 (instead of 20220921220000)
20220922210001 (instead of 20220922220000)

202213 (instead of 202212)

This is the actual byte sequence
F8 BB 45 53 32 30 32 32 31 32 5F 32 5F B2 80 81 81 83 04 4C 40 66 4E 17 A1 04 4C 40 67 0A 4D D1 83 C0 B0 C0 B1 80 81 45 D3 0C 2B E5 80 80 46 58 58 58 58 D3

Since 202212 is even number, hex must also be even, however it is 0C 2B E5, I was expecting it to be 0C 2B E4
Likewise for the dates, ending with A1 and D1 respectively...

Anyone can explain what's going on???
Edited by TLau471 on Sep 25, 2022 11:39 PM

FIX Support » FAST Logon SendingTime encoding Sep 23, 2022 @ 10:25 PM (Total replies: 2)

The template for FAST Logon has a field 'uInt64 name="SendingTime" id="52"'

Can give an example of how I should be encoding "2022-09-24T02:05:21-0000"?

Thank you.

Market Data » Hello Handshake fields Sep 23, 2022 @ 09:48 PM (Total replies: 8)

Can help explain how we should craft "7d 82", what does it mean? Or is it just a fixed value?

FIX Support » Can not logon FAST server Sep 23, 2022 @ 09:37 PM (Total replies: 2)


Can share how the HELLO should be structured?

FIX Support » Out of SessionTime??? Sep 23, 2022 @ 10:23 AM (Total replies: 1)

FIX: Session FIX.4.4:TLau***->OEC_TEST already disconnected: Resetting...
FIX: Session reset: Out of SessionTime (Session construction)

Why am I out of SessionTime??

FIX Support » FAST - how to loadticks for 1 full day? Sep 23, 2022 @ 07:01 AM (Total replies: 1)

MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3780.5, 1, 20220922, 195819034, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3779, 5, 20220922, 195901988, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3774.5, 1, 20220922, 195920741, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3773.25, 1, 20220922, 195936947, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3773, 1, 20220922, 195947632, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3770.75, 1, 20220922, 195956202, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3771.5, 3, 20220922, 195959852, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3771.5, 1, 20220922, 200010789, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3771, 2, 20220922, 200037503, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3768.25, 1, 20220922, 200124422, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3771.25, 1, 20220922, 200258670, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3772.25, 1, 20220922, 200456353, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3776, 1, 20220922, 200820027, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3776.25, 2, 20220922, 201259018, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3775, 1, 20220922, 201932919, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ [MDEntries -> {2, 3773, 1, 20220922, 203647217, 0, }]...
MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh -> {2, W, ES202212_2_7, [ ], }

After I send "LOADTICKS ES 202212 FROM [20220921-22:00:00] TO [20220922-21:00:00] > 'output.txt'"
I get only partial data like above. How do I get the whole day's data?

FIX Support » OECFIXSample keeps saying Unknown contract for ESZ22 Sep 23, 2022 @ 06:37 AM (Total replies: 1)

LOADTICKS ES 202212 FROM [20220921-00:00:00] TO [20220922-00:00:00]

hope it helps someone

FIX Support » OECFIXSample keeps saying Unknown contract for ESZ22 Sep 23, 2022 @ 06:07 AM (Total replies: 1)

I'm trying to load ESZ22, but keep getting Unknown contract using OECFIXSample, can someone help give me the correct Symbol??

loadticks 'ESZ22' FROM [20220921-00:00:00] TO [20220922-00:00:00]
: MarketDataRequest -> {59, V, ESZ22_2_11, 0, 1, 1, 2, 20220921000000, 20220922000000, [ [MDEntries -> {0, }] [MDEntries -> {1, }] [MDEntries -> {2, }] ], [ [Instruments -> {ESZ22, , , , FXXXXS, }] ], }
: MarketDataRequestReject -> {58, Y, ESZ22_2_11, 0, Unknown contract, }
: Heartbeat -> {62, 0, 20220923110410, }

FIX Support » Instructions for FIX Sep 12, 2022 @ 08:46 PM (Total replies: 2)


I saw this:

Account=[OEC Account]
Username=[OEC UUID]
SenderCompID=[OEC Username]
Password=[OEC Password]

1. Is the OEC UUID for FIX/FAST same as the UUID for the .NET API?
2. How do I get a UUID for the STAGE or DEMO server?

FIX Support » Instructions for FIX Sep 02, 2022 @ 08:15 AM (Total replies: 2)


We are planning to get onto FIX, any sandbox/instructions to get us started?
Thank you.

FIX Support » Python FIX API Sep 02, 2022 @ 08:05 AM (Total replies: 8)


Is this library able to get datafeed both historical and live as well?

API Support » Web API? Sep 02, 2022 @ 07:54 AM (Total replies: 1)

Do you guys have a HTTP web API?

API Support » LIVE API throwing exception, DEMO API does not May 27, 2021 @ 09:27 AM (Total replies: 8)

Hi Jason,

Is this resolved? Thank you.

API Support » LIVE API throwing exception, DEMO API does not May 24, 2021 @ 06:48 AM (Total replies: 8)

Thanks Jason. I have updated our DLL as well. Please let me know once it is fix and I will test against earlier versions.

API Support » LIVE API throwing exception, DEMO API does not May 21, 2021 @ 11:27 AM (Total replies: 8)

for context, is what we currently use in production, we really would like to prevent such surprises in future.

API Support » LIVE API throwing exception, DEMO API does not May 21, 2021 @ 11:25 AM (Total replies: 8)

Hi Jason,

Thanks, I need to test it, but I think it will work once I switch to


1. Is still supported? I had no news on it, so this really came as a surprise
2. Assuming it is, then this issue should be fixed at the LIVE server, yes?
3. If it is not, where do I sign up for updates?


API Support » LIVE API throwing exception, DEMO API does not May 21, 2021 @ 08:23 AM (Total replies: 8)


My Gf.Api.Dll version is throwing an exception when logging into LIVE.
The same binary does not throw any exception when logging into DEMO.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
The issue started today 21st May 2021. Please advise.