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OEC API > API Support > Block account position problem/bug ?
Author Topic: Block account position problem/bug ?
(2 messages, Page 1 of 1)
Moderators: VPfau
Posts: 17
Joined: Apr 16, 2014

Posted: Jan 21, 2020 @ 10:26 AM             Msg. 1 of 2
Got a simple block account "BWT" under username PNannisTM using with 2 accounts using 3 contracts per block trade (1 for API002704 and 2 for API00320)

I place ONE block trade and then add manually ONE contract to one of the accounts that is part of the block (API002704) i.e. block account BWT=+3 and account API002704=+2. Now the gfPosition.Net.Volume value on the block account is showing +4 i.e. includes the additional manual trade that was made outside the block account. This is also reported the same on OECTrader. Shouldn't the block account position exclude the manual position that was added?

I'm currently using the Sourcefill Comments field (value = "AB") to identify and separate the block fills from the manual fills when re-syncing but it gets confusing when sanity checking the position against the API reported position which is different.

I'll leave it like this for today's session (1/21) of you want to check it out.

Version, GF.Api , GF.Api.Impl, GF.Api.Values, GF.Api.Common
Peter Nannis
Posts: 367

Posted: Jan 21, 2020 @ 12:39 PM             Msg. 2 of 2
>Shouldn't the block account position exclude the manual position that was added?
No, this isn't how our block operates and not a bug. It doesn't look for other non-block orders and adjust where needed.
Chris M