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Topic: MarkeDataRequestReject (5 messages, Page 1 of 1) |
Moderators: VPfau | |||||
MConcas Posts: 12 Joined: Sep 15, 2020 |
Hi, this my request message:
{MarketDataRequest -> {, W, ES_202012_1_3, 1, 0, 0, 1, , , [ [MDEntries -> {0, } ] [MDEntries -> {1, } ] ], [ [Instruments -> {ES, 202012, , XCME, FXXXXS, }] ], }} if I log on to the it works all fine and I get the data feed, but if I log on to the I get the reject message: {MarketDataRequestReject -> {58, Y, ES_202012_2_2, 0, Unknown contract, }} From the Gain Futures Support they guarantee that I have all the required authorization, UUID, PWD, Account… and that I’m using them good, so far. What are we missing? |
CMicciche902 Posts: 367 Joined: |
Which user experienced this issue?
Chris M
MConcas Posts: 12 Joined: Sep 15, 2020 |
CMicciche902 Posts: 367 Joined: |
Not seeing issue:
GF.Servers.Front.FixPriceServer20201201.log Your attempt yesterday is failed due to several invalid login attempts and getting locked out: Failed Login: MConcas - InvalidUserOrPassword Connection rejected: Locked User temporarily locked out Today is ok: 02:13:50.202 INFO [tid AsyncAppender] sid=(null) cid=(null) acc=(null) ord=(null) - Logged on 93.42.xx.xx:58652:MConcas(GF.Servers.Front.FixOrderServer) Chris M
MConcas Posts: 12 Joined: Sep 15, 2020 |
Ok, so I try to recap a little:
- I don't have any login problem: if I get the MarketDataRequestReject, it means I logged in, because I need the Fast hashcode to send a MarketDataRequest and get that answer; - MConcas is actually a double account, same user with 2 different passwords (not my choice) for two different environments. -Right after the conformance test I got the new UUID for the server and somehow from the Gain Support they decided to give MConcas a second password that should have worked there. - On one side, the situation now is that MConcas with one password and the old UUID works well on, as it worked before the test. It doesn't log in the, and that's ok, because it's not supposed to. This is why you found a data stream running yesterday: it was on the, where it always worked. - On the other side, MConcas with the new password and the new UUID, that is supposed to work on, actually only gets to pass through login successfully, but gets rejection on the MarketDataRequest. I don't know if you have time to catch up with this mess (unfortunately it's been going on for a while already) or if you prefer to create a brand new account, which I've already asked for, but still haven't got any answer. Please help me asap. Thank you. |